Video: Jackals & Fireflies, screening Q&A
It's out, and it's online! Not only that, but Jackals & Fireflies--the new short from Charlie Kaufman and Eva HD--has its own YouTube channel, entirely separate from any of the Samsung accounts the project had thus far been linked to. Not sure what else (if anything) might get posted there, but it's worth keeping an eye on.
The film clocks in at 20 minutes, and I don't know about you, but I had to turn the sound waaay up on it. The YouTube description says, in part, "The filmmakers kindly ask you please set the resolution to 4K and allow to buffer for optimal viewing experience." So you might want to do that, too.
The short had its theatrical debut Thursday night at NYC's IFC Center, playing alongside I’m Thinking of Ending Things. Charlie participated in a Q&A after, and you can check that out here.