Site update, update

Just a quick little check-in for anyone wondering how goes the site re-design/upgrade: it goes well. The major stuff is done--the updated functionality of the site. Now it's all about visuals, tweaking and testing and adjusting fonts and colours and whatnot. I'll be interstate shortly, for a couple weeks, but after that I'll get back to it. It's not a massive change, the main thing is it should look better on mobile devices and more like a site that wasn't designed 10 years ago.

redesign preview


BCK is free to use, but not free to run. If you like the site and would like it to stay alive, you might consider making a small donation. Every little bit is VERY appreciated! Money goes into hosting, domain renewal, plugins that keep the site looking pretty and working correctly. Raised: $00.00. Target: $450 Updated: 20/1/2025



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