John Malkovich stars in Being John Malkovichian Super Bowl ad

This is good. Says Mashable:

John Malkovich was disturbed to find upon a recent visit to that someone was already being John Malkovich.

The actor, who moonlights as a fashion designer, had wanted to use that address to promote his new eponymous clothing line.

But it turned out someone had beaten him to the punch and the domain was home to a knock-off fashion brand illegally using his name and likeness.     

Despite the ongoing legal headache that ensued, Malkovich volunteered to spoof the ordeal in a new pre-game Super Bowl ad for the website-building company Squarespace.


In a bizarrely meta twist, Malkovich actually had to seek legal blessing from the rights holders of Charlie Kaufman's Being John Malkovich for the ad itself, which makes implicit reference to the famously weird film.

"If you think about it, it's kind of crazy, kind of outrageous," Malkovich said. "I have no problem [with the film, in which he appeared], but I also understand what it means to have one's name under the control of other people and, in some cases, being used for purposes that I might not be so supportive of." (Source)



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