Eva HD and Charlie are becoming quite the pair. You'll remember HD's "Bonedog" featured in I'm Thinking of Ending Things, and later Charlie directed a short film adaptation of HD's poem Jackals & Fireflies. Now Eva has a new book coming out, The Natural Hustle (which includes 'Fireflies'), and Charlie will be in attendance for the book's launch--he's one of a few guests who'll perform some readings.
This is on Sunday, April 2nd at 5pm, Kingston Hall in New York.
Two fun facts: The Natural Hustle is dedicated "For Charlie, who helped," and Antkind included Eva HD in the Acknowledgments.
Thanks to u/pavingmomentum and u/agaetisbyrjun22!
In other news, I'm still working on re-designing BCK behind the scenes. Bit of a delay, because half of my house got flooded a month ago, joy! Also I take forever to do anything even on a good day.