Two thematically similar essays: Kayleigh Donaldson's The Women of Charlie Kaufman, at SyFy...
Much has been written about Kaufman over the years. His work easily invites painstakingly detailed dissections and the most outlandish of fan theories (for nothing could be as ludicrous as Kaufman's own ideas). What's given less attention, however, are his heroines. For a writer whose work is heavily defined by his deeply neurotic and often highly unpleasant male protagonists, it's through his female characters where his true intentions shine through. (Source)
... and Sady Doyle's Charlie Kaufman Has No Idea How to Write Women as People:
Kaufman is a capital-G Great Writer, one of the greatest we have working for the screen. No one else could write so many classic movies about the same guy. Yet there is a coldness to his work, and particularly to the way he writes women — who are often literally fantasies, or memories, or projections, or symptoms of a man’s discontent, and rarely full, human protagonists in their own right. The way these women so often turn out to be inexplicable or imaginary might be a dazzling reflection of the postmodern condition, but it might also be a reflection of a culture in which women are rarely accorded full humanity at all. (Source)
Two valid views, both of them well thought out. Both writers raise good points. And I just want to make it clear: Doyle is obviously a fan of CK's work overall.